Saturday, December 5, 2009

Overtones Of Overthrow

This is a work in progress, as I still wonder if it really makes sense (spiritually, visually, linguistically, etc.) to anyone other than myself, but it's a composition of shards of my thoughts on John chapter 20.


Resting deep in the heart
of these verses is a message that goes farther down than surface level. It is more underground than a well installed pipeline, but it screams louder than a child abandoned near the road, louder than teakettle ripe with boiling water – a message that is uncontainable. But there are other sounds as well – other sounds that compete for the listener’s attention, and causing all noise to end up white. And it is by the gravitational lure of His love that the listener awakens from these trance-inducing roars composed of voices and noises and embraces the deafening silence that one is put into out of an overpowering sense of awe. We are silenced as the melodies of heaven resound deeply within us. But these songs have blended in with the roar of human distraction and satisfaction found elsewhere. They have been drowned out by the off-key melodies of broken promises and lies. The volume was once turned down to a ‘respectable level,’ but the songs have since become overpowered by the self-serving rhythms of a ‘me-first’ theology and the catchy chorus’s of the materialistic, easy way to live. The curtain has been unconsciously, yet willfully drawn by the audience, who has indirectly asked the musicians to pack up and leave.

However, even with the chaos of humanity, a seed of longing for Love has been sown deep into every individual. Behind the mass production of safe radio singles, there is an unquenchable desire for a dangerous and everlasting symphony that does not bow to the whims of man or the nuances of popularity. This symphony produces the silencing awe, which comes from exposing ourselves to the horrific and glorious event of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

These overtones of overthrow continue to resonate more powerfully than the church bell down the street that rings every afternoon hour. Its reverberations cause tumors to fall and spines to align. It commands cancer to leave and afflictions to obey. It induces complete restoration, far surpassing the weak ability of humanity’s poor attempts. These overtones ebb and flow as the Holy Spirit conducts. There is complete control over the symphony of Christ’s majesty and power that leaves us in a place of reverential awe when we really listen to it. The crescendos and decrescendos of His manifest presence in our lives leave us in constant hunger for more. His consistent, yet unpredictable songs of love performed deep in our hearts cause us to grope the hem of His garment with an ovational cry for just one more song… One more touch of His love. One more transformation developed out of truth…

I wonder if this is how Mary felt when she was at the foot of the cross watching her son’s agonizing death. When all she wanted was to dress the deep wounds of his lacerated body as she was left aching for more communion with her child and Messiah. But the decibel level of the symphony was only increasing measure by measure as Humanity overcame darkness, and resurrection resulted in full and eternal power and authority. The climax of creation. The epitome of the eternal realm throughout all of history at this point occurring in 3 days by the Son of Man – a symphony un muted by death. It is the sound of weeping as creation physically reunites with its Creator. It is the tone of peace and power filling the atmosphere as the Man it composes walks with authority. It is the conquering melody of salvation as hearts are branded and abandoned to the Love that draws us in and awakens our souls. It is the reverberations of the Holy Spirit filling us from a commissioned breath – eternal communication with our Bridegroom King overtaking us and ringing strongly through the atmosphere. It is the noise of doubt being overpowered by the truth of dedicated, undiluted love. It is the climax of fulfilled scripture. It is the victory chant.

Christ’s resurrection sent eternal sound waves through the atmosphere the constantly ring triumph over the enemy. It is a sound that draws His believers to do the very thing that Satan could not do – worship Jesus. It is a sound that consistently lures the Father’s children back to His living arms as we contend for power and for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit like on Pentecost. It is a sound that eternally reminds the enemy his days are numbered. When we worship Jesus and declare His victory, the enemy no longer has territory or ability to remain in a place of affliction over us.

The symphony of Jesus’ divine defeat over death is incomparable to the song of the gods this world has fashioned. Man-made idols cannot redeem our souls from the depths of Hell. They cannot overcome us by their nonexistent love. Fashioning an inanimate object is not fulfilling an intimate relationship with our Bridegroom, Savior, and King. These other tones and pitches compete for the stage of our souls, but when we remove ourselves from the concerts and cathedrals of our human desires and everyday schedules, God’s silencing awe will overpower us. It will abandon us to His praise and our participation in the eternal symphony of Christ’s glorious resurrection. Many are invited, but few will come. Many have settled for the safe radio single because they do not know about the dangerous and everlasting symphony. Still many are deaf. We are the carriers and messengers of these orchestrated overtones, like a radio communicating a song. It is a symphony that commissions us to move its message out from the underground and into the heartbeats of His people. He groans for His children deeper than Mary groaned for her son. It is a symphony that says His conquer is hereditary, and as His children we receive it as well. It is a symphony that crescendos and decrescendos, it changes keys and changes time. It resonates and it echoes. It communicates a message uncontainable. Its melodies and harmonies draw you into His victorious and loving embrace, where you are left silenced in awe with His overtones of overthrow consuming you...

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