Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year & Decade.

With the beginning of the new year comes the close of the previous. To end off 2oo9 was the annual Onething conference that went phenomenally well. I was on prophecy teams for the Forerunner Music Academy auditioners, which was neat. It was cool getting to be one of the first faces & voices of FMA these people had encountered, especially by getting to encourage and edify them with words from the Lord. They would come to audition for the school, & then afterward receive prayer & prophecy. I'm not a very great person to come to for a recap of events (which is why if you would like a real overview click here), but I will jot down some of things that stuck out to me while I was there.

Monday: Misty opened today. Before the conference began, the students were in a briefing meeting. We prayed for the Spirit to hit at the strike of the first note, but I believe He came even sooner. During the briefing meeting, the Lord gave me a vision while we were praying for the Spirit to come. I saw all of us students in the room crying out for God to come, & as we did, the Spirit descended as a cloud of 2 huge arms about to scoop us up & ascend to heaven to be prepared & get equipped. However, the hands wouldn't take us up until we asked them to. I prayed over & over again, "Take us up." I felt the Lord saying that in order to be prepared & equipped, we must ascend to heaven rather than remain on earth. We cannot ready ourselves in the enemy's territory. Our ammunition comes from the Lord & not the battleground. Immediately after this, Allen Hood talked about getting caught up to heaven in the Spirit..

Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is here to speak at the Onething conference. This was a last minute decision Loren made because he felt the Lord stirring his spirit to come speak. This is especially significant because in the last 5o years, Loren has never traveled between Christmas & New Years to speak.

I also find it significant that there are 3 conferences gathering this week hosting 2o,000 people. 2 of them are here in MO.

Later, Wes Hall shared about the Student Awakening. It is interesting to me that he, one of the leaders of this awakening, was named after John Wesley who played a significant role in the First Great Awakening Wes Hall's cry since a young age has been to be used in a mighty way like John Wesley. For 10 years, the leadership at IHOP have been fasting & praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit like in Joel 2 & in Acts 2 at Pentecost.

“And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit and they shall prophesy."

Quotes from Wes Hall regarding the Student Awakening:

"This river does not belong to Missouri, it belongs to the Lord!"

"The Acts 2 outpouring began with wine..."

"You don't plan the break in of the Holy Spirit. If you ask God to show up on your agenda, the Holy Spirit may not show up, but if you cry out for the Lord to come whenever, however, He just may come."

"We don't want to walk in ankle-deep water, we want to walk in a river that man cannot cross." (Ezekiel 47)

"The starting point for a life of radical transformation is to know that you are loved & desired."

"The evidence of encounter with God is not the manifestation, but the changed life when you get up.

"It's not about the leadership praying for the church, it's about the body of Christ praying for the body of Christ."

Wes then spoke on seasons of rain & said that in a season of rain, we are to ask for an outpouring, like in Zechariah 10, & like when Ezekiel saw the rain cloud the size of a man's hand & prayed until the sky was filled. In a season of rain, we ask for more...

Night Session: Misty lead worship again. During the few notes before You Won't Relent, I had the image of us as believers ascending to the top of a hill overlooking a conquered battleground. It had a Narnia type feel to it & I felt the Lord saying this is the outcome - victory. I'm not sure if this pertains to something specifically, or if it was a more general overall victory, absolute triumph message, but it was real.


Tuesday: Loren Cunningham (75 years old) has been to every nation in the world. His ministry, YWAM, is about the celebrate their 50 year anniversary, & the Onething conference is the first of 43 celebrations to celebrate for them.

"Intercession without intimacy leads to burn out." - Mike Bickle

"The warriors & the lovers of God are the same people." - Mike Bickle


Wednesday: "Every religion is a false religion except for loving Jesus." - Mike Bickle


Thursday: "We hold back the coming of the King if we don't obey the word of the Lord."


These were only a few things I took note on because they interested me. The 4 days really felt like I was operating in the midst of a peaceful chaos. It was definitely impacting, even if it wasn't Redeemer Fellowship Church's New Years Eve worship bash extravaganza...

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing what especially touched you during the conference and love that you gave us quotes that aren't covered in ihop's recaps. Thanks, Boo!
