Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Trinitarian Dance of God

"There is a divine dance within the center of God. Each of the persons move around each other. They serve each other. They each know their part. They know themselves so well, that they are free enough to give themselves to the other. The universe is personal. It is generous. And it is communal... These members of the center of the God head move around each other in a sort of divine dance. It has a rhythm & a beauty to it. There is fluidity to it. There is a movement & a motion to it..."

- Rob Bell

Theologians call this the 'Trinitarian Dance of God.' Rob Bell later states, "All of creation is invited into this beautiful choreographed flow & movement at the heart of all of reality." He then quotes Catherine LaCugna, a Catholic theologian, who said, "An eternal movement of reciprocal giving & receiving, giving again, & receiving again. The image of the dance forbids us to think of God as solitary."

I then came across this article I enjoyed when looking up things on the trinity:

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful image of what it means to be one and many at the same time. Thank you!
