I begin my summer as an Awakening Teen Camp counselor in Kansas City at IHOP tomorrow morning. I have spent about 14 hours in meetings these past 2 days & have already begun moving into the extended stay hotel we will be living in over the next 7 weeks. There are about 45 counselors & roughly 400+ teens signed up for the first 2 week track. I will be a group leader for about 10 13-14 year old girls during these 2 weeks to minister to them, reveal the heart of the Father, & have them fall in love with Jesus. Many of these kids come from broken homes who may no even know God. Many of them come in dealing with abuse, eating disorders, thoughts of suicide, addictions, & so on. It's not just a camp full of Jesus-loving sheltered homeschool kids like I suppose I subconsciously assumed. I know the Lord wants me here. I have been feeling the stretch in my spirit for some time now. I have been praying for strength & wisdom as to how to pour myself out to these kids & reveal Jesus without my weak flesh getting in the way. They need the real deal. Nothing watered-down will appeal or satisfy. I think about in Song of Solomon when the Shulamite bride is searching the city for the one her heart loves & she cannot find him. The other maidens ask her what is so special about this man among the others. Her lovesick heart testifies of his goodness, his beauty, his power, & his love, & the other maidens are drawn in. They cry out, "Tell us where he is that we may know him too!" It is Jesus undiluted that the maidens cried out for. Of what worth is watered down wine? I want to hold nothing back. I want to reveal Him in His entirety. I want to be so filled that the overflow of my heart consumes these teens & fills them with the love of their Father.
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